

My name is Tanisha Henderson but my family and friends call me Pooh. We are a Torah observant family of 10 living in East Texas. We are raising brown children and so we are fully immersed in our heritage. What this blog will do is be a journal of my family's journal as Torah observant brown people. Prayerfully this will be a source of inspiration and learning for others as well.

Hamishpacah Sheli:

My Husband
My husband Orlando is everything. He is strong, caring, dedicated, and an awesome leader. One thing I love and respect about him is his protective nature towards his family. Nothing touches us. He rides in on his white horse and always saves the day...always. Another thing I love about him is his strength. He barrels through obstacles, he challenges the challenges, he refuses to give up or be defeated. He is super funny. I'm laughing right now as I write thinking abut him. The most important thing about my husband though is his connection with the Most High. It is everything to him and he doesn't move without God. Its amazing and wonderful to see. To my husband HaShem is truly a friend and a father. He is his confidant and I have never seen or heard of a more deeply personal relationship than the one he has with our Abba.

The Kids
Like I said we have 8 kids. We had a boy then 4 girls and then 3 more boys. Our oldest, Matthew,  is 12 and in 7th grade, Ayana is 11 and in 6th grade, Alayah is 10 and is in 5th grade, Amia is 8 and is in 3rd grade, Aleena is 7 and is 1st grade, Stephen (pronounced Stefen) is  6 and is in kindergarten, Aman is 5 and is in pre-k, and last but most definitely not least is Yosef and he is 19 months old. My kids are happy, healthy little energizer bunnies. I honestly think they feed off of each others energy and its a wonder to see. There are no down sad days among them. They don't hold on to negative energy much.  They fill our house with not only noise but laughter! I love their close relationship. I really enjoy them.  I'm thankful because not everybody is so lucky. I'm blessed to be their mom.

Okay so me. I'm just a person living day by day doing my best to love and care for my family and following HaShem's commandments.  Their needs come before mine and I love it that way. I feel fruitful that way. I know my purpose and my family is my purpose. I'm dedicated, loyal, patient, and I'm a good listener. One thing that has shocked me in my maturity is my sureness in myself. I don't doubt me and I love me. No matter who you are those attributes are essential to have. My desires are to serve HaShem in spirit and in truth. My prayer always is that he uses me in whatever capacity that he sees fit. I could live my life poor and in service to humanity and be the happiest person that walks this earth.  

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