In my studies I have come across many different Torah scriptures. These have been cemented in my heart the most and I reflect upon them daily.
Devarim 6:4
Shema Yisrael, YHWH Elohaynu YHWH echad.
Hear Oh Israel the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.
Devarim 6:13
Revere only the Lord your God and worship Him alone, and swear only by His name.
Devarim 10:20
You must revere the Lord your God: only Him shall you worship, to Him shall you hold fast, and by His name shall you swear.
What does this mean to me as a Torah observer and inheritor of the promise made to my people?
Yah is telling us not once but twice to revere Him alone, to worship Him alone. Even when we swear, we swear by His name. If we love Him, we will follow Him, worship Him, revere Him alone. He is the creator alone. He is the Almighty, alone.
Shemot 20:3
You shall have no other gods besides me.
This mitzvah clearly states with no confusion who our God is and that we must only serve Him. There are no other Gods. Not even one who comes close. He does not share his existence nor inheritance. He does not share His power. If we diminish Him we err from His mitzvot. He is not a plaything He is a jealous God. Our reverence, love, focus is always to Him.
Exodus 34:14
For you must not worship any other God, because YHWH whose name is impassioned, is an impassioned God.
We must be very careful not to incite His anger. We must revere Him and Him alone because we are His and He has given his name, blessings, and covenant to Israel his inheritance.
Be set apart, follow His mitzvot.
Tanisha Henderson
*I use the JPS Hebrew/English Tanakh*